
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our Summer Garden

Back when Aaron and I had some time off for spring break, we worked on our backyard garden and I posted this photo:


We have two of these gigantic raised beds. The garden was a great selling point for us on this house because Aaron LOVES gardening. Back in March, we planted a combination of seeds and small plants. We planted cilantro, basil, dill, thyme, rosemary, sweet banana peppers, green bell peppers, orange bell peppers, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green beans, pickling cucumbers, kale, spinach, lettuce, and corn. We already had onions, asparagus, and green onions growing.

Here’s the garden now:


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Everything has produced very well and we’ve enjoyed eating our delicious home grown produce! We’ve also enjoyed composting. It’s extremely surprising how many items we use and consume are compostable.


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