
Monday, July 25, 2011

Master Bedroom Gallery Wall

Hammering the first nails into our house's walls was nervewracking. I was so scared of making a mistake, which isn't even something I worried about in our apartment. There's something about the house that seems so permanent, though... but the ironic thing is I know in the back of my mind that any changes CAN be made!

So it took a while to hang things on our walls. In the downstairs I'm still not sure where I want to put a lot of things. I am an extremely indecisive person to the point where it might be unhealthy. In our bedroom, however, I knew how and what I wanted to hang.... it was just a little scary.

I knew I liked our mini gallery wall above our bed in our apartment, but I didn't like that we had so many things hanging so many places on almost every wall. I wanted to combine things, so that's just what I did.

I've never tried the method of cutting out paper the size of the frame you're using, taping up, putting a nail through it, and then hanging the picture on that. It sounds lovely, but I wasn't patient enough to sit and measure out and cut paper for all of my frames. My method was lazy and different but it worked for me.

First, I laid all of the frames out in the arrangement I wanted, on my bed. It took some moving around, but I finally got it just right.

Then I measured out how long and high that was, and figured out where I should start to position on my wall. Then I one by one, took frames and hung them with thumbtacks where they were to go. I hung everything in our apartment with thumbtacks, and Aaron was sooo mad! He's one of those people that only likes to hang things perfectly on the studs. I however, don't really care and I will hang whatever, wherever (unless it poses a safety risk). 

Eventually I went through and replaced all of the thumbtacks with nails and used the tiny pinhole as a guide. It worked so beautifully.

I'll also share the other progress we've made in the room. This is the view from the door. The curtains are very makeshift, we just threw ours up there on the rods that were in here. We hate that they don't fully cover the windows, but are still deciding what to do about that.

The rug was $19.99 from Ross. It is great and covers a stain.

We actually really like the paint color, so that will be staying for the time being. Next up for this room: curtains!


  1. um, where is all of your junk? seriously. your house can't look like a magazine everyday!
