
Friday, August 5, 2011

What we've been up to

Well it has been 4 weeks that we've lived in our home. It is really feeling like home now, and we've done a lot so far to make this place ours. We've unpacked every box, painted three rooms, got a few new furniture finds, hung new or old curtains in every room, made a few cosmetic changes, and spent a lot of money at Home Depot. I'm on a first name basis with the paint guy!

We've bought a grill, a lawnmower, a drill and saw, 4.5 gallons of paint, a few new furniture pieces, eight curtain panels, all new guest bedding, a shower curtain, and much more. I'll do my best to share it all here. And let me just say, thank goodness for gift cards, summer birthdays, and no mortgage payment the first month (woohoo)!

Here are a few sneak peaks of some of the things we've been working on.... and I promise to be back on Monday to share more!

P.S. I hate to add to the commentary about the sweltering heat right now, but it is so. dang. hot. So far, we've had 51 days of 100+ heat, and we're shattering records every day... todays high? 107. We have literally gone months without seeing a drop of rain. So, the dog days of summer are far from being over and this just makes it hard to want to do anything!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for settling in - we've been doing the same in our new home! Can't wait to see all of the details!
