
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wine cabinet from the Salvation Army

Once again, things have been really busy here in our household! I have all of my finals tomorrow, and Aaron finishes up school next Wednesday. We're both so looking forward to a few weeks of having time to spend together and with our friends. I've been studying for my finals for three days straight, and I'm about at the point where I can't do anything else, but wait and see how I do. I don't want to be overly confident, but I am sure that things will go fine tomorrow! It will definitely be a day of anxiousness and nerves, because I do have finals starting at 8 am and going until 7:30. I have 5 hours between two of them, so I am sure I will be a nervous wreck.

Anyway, I'm here to take a break and write about this wine cabinet that we got at the Salvation Army a few weekends back. We saw it the day we bought the chair, but weren't sold on it. The Salvation Army has a furniture price policy where every week it discounts by 10%, so the next week when we went back and it was still there, we got it at 20% off, for around $20.

It needed some cleaning though. It was so dirty and gross.

So I went to work cleaning it, then primed and painted it white. I distressed the edges using sandpaper, and got a pretty green knob at Hobby Lobby for about $1.50.

I love that it has a drawer we can store our wine bottle openers and such in. I lined the drawer with pretty paper.

I also used an empty frame I had lying around from Ikea and added fabric to it, and turned it over into a tray sort of thing. I put our wine glasses on the top.

And now it lives in our dining room! I think we need some more wine to fill it up :)

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