
Friday, May 13, 2011

Teal Bowl

Last Friday my friend Sarah took me to this place I had never been before, called Uncommon Objects, on South Congress. It was so crazy! Here is the description from their website:

Established in 1991 as a small antique collective, Uncommon Objects has matured over the years into the one-of-a-kind emporium of transcendent junk that you see before you.
Twenty hardworking antique sellers have been assembled under one roof to bring you this very genuine and sometimes quirky slice of American culture and history.
Uncommon Objects has been described as "your eccentric uncle's attic on steroids." And remember, this is no museum. This stuff is for sale.
As the ultimate "green" shopping experience, there is something to satisfy your nostalgic yearnings and peak your sentimental curiosities.

Needless to say we probably spent over an hour in there just inspecting every little thing they had. It was really interesting, and they had some good stuff. It definitely wasn't all thrift store prices, but most of the items weren't outrageous. They also have these bowls full of people's family photos they've collected from estate sales. Believe it or not, while we were in there an older woman supposedly looked down and saw herself in one of the pictures from when she was 6. I heard her call someone and tell them this over the phone. I have no reason to believe that she was lying. So creepy!

So here is what I bought: an old map (for a few diy projects I've wanted to do from pinterest), an old postcard that I gave to my friends, and this $6 brass bowl:

Lovely brass.

I loved the quatrefoil design in the sides, and I knew some bright paint would really bring it out. So a few coats of teal acrylic paint and one coat of sealant later, this is what I had.

It's now sitting on the little ledge when you walk in our door, as a catch all for things. It's currently holding some hardware that needs to be returned at Home Depot, and keys.

Fun and bright!

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