
Friday, October 7, 2011

Garage Sale Scores

There was a garage sale down the street from us last Saturday, and we drove by on our way to our church’s Partner’s Brunch. I spotted these white chairs with pretty lines. We decided to see if they were still there on the way back, and they sure were. So- score #1: we got two upholstered dining chairs with great lines for $10 total. Score #2: We met some super sweet neighbors, the ones who were having the sale! (and they told us that one of the neighbors has a built in margarita machine in their backyard- we really want to get invited to one of those parties).
The chairs first made their home as the two head chairs on our dining table. After a few days I wasn’t sold on the combination of four black chairs and two white chairs at a black table. I felt it made our kitchen look too cluttered. Too many finishes going on in there!
So they made their way up to our master bedroom, on each side of the dresser.
Of course, I had to reupholster that red stripe fabric that was stained and in bad shape. But don’t these chairs have great lines and curvatures?
So I turned the chair upside down, and got to work on reupholstering, which took about five minutes and doesn’t really require an explanation here…
I used some fabric I already had.
I like that we can sit on them when we put on socks, shoes, etc. Other than that, they don’t serve much purpose other than looking pretty, but I don’t mind that.
Total cost : $10! Can’t beat that.


  1. Those chairs are beautiful - and what an AMAZING deal!

  2. $10. That's crazy...I would have bought them also ;) Good find!!
